Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Program 'affiliate' di Malaysia telah mula berkembang sejak kebelakangan ini. Jika kita melayari sesebuah laman web, kita akan sering berjumpa dengan laman web yang menawarkan program 'affiliate' ini.

Program 'affiliate' ini (kepada mereka yang baru dengan istilah ini) adalah suatu kaedah dimana sesebuah laman web menawarkan suatu bentuk ganjaran atau faedah yang berupa wang tunai berdasarkan peratusan-peratusan tertentu yang ditetapkan oleh sesebuah laman web apabila anda mempromosikan barangan yang ingin dijual oleh pemilik laman web tersebut melalui laman web anda. Wang tunai hanya akan dibayar sekiranya pihak ketiga yang mendapat maklumat berhubung barangan tersebut melalui program 'affiliate' yang anda promosikan membeli barang dari pemilik laman web yang menganjurkan program 'affiliate'. Secara mudahnya program 'affiliate' adalah seperti menjadi jurujual separuh masa kepada laman web tersebut.

Antara laman web yang paling banyak menawarkan program 'affiliate' ini adalah laman web yang menjalankan penjualan :

1) E-book
2) Hos laman web

Anda mungkin tertarik dengan tawaran-tawaran yang diberikan melalui program 'affiliate' mereka, namun anda perlu meneliti dan mempastikan dahulu beberapa perkara ini sebelum membuat keputusan menyertai program 'affiliate' tersebut.

Apa yang anda MESTI selidiki, fahami dan pastikan....

1) Laman web tersebut boleh dipercayai!

Dipercayai di sini bermaksud, laman web dari syarikat yang berdaftar dengan Suruhajaya
Syarikat Malaysia. Ini memudahkan anda untuk membuat laporan sekiranya berlakunya
penyelewengan yang mungkin berlaku.

2) Hati-hati dengan laman web menawarkan ganjaran yang terlalu tinggi dan agak tidak

Ada kemungkinan mereka ini menawarkan ganjaran yang tinggi hanya untuk menarik
perhatian anda untuk menjadi ahli 'affiliate' mereka tetapi tidak akan membayar
ganjarannya kepada anda. Jangan mudah terpengaruh dengan testimoni-testimoni yang
dilampirkan gambar sekalipun kerana sesiapa saja boleh membuat pengakuan tersebut.
Mungkin di kalangan teman-teman rapat, ahli keluarga dan mungkin yang dibayar untuk
memberi testimoni dilaman web mereka.

3) Jika anda menyertai sesuatu program 'affiliate', anda akan diberi kata laluan untuk
mengakses laman software affiliate di laman web tersebut.

Di sana anda boleh melihat berapa jumlah pengunjung yang telah masuk ke laman web
yang anda promosikan. Namun harus diingat, anda tidak dibayar berdasarkan jumlah
pengunjung laman web yang anda promosikan tetapi berdasarkan pembeli yang membeli
barangan yang dipromosi melalui program affiliate anda. Dengan kata lain, jika andainya
pengunjung laman web tersebut mencecah 100,000 orang yang mengunjung melalui
program affiliate anda, anda tidak akan dibayar satu sen pun.
Ini lah kelebihan menawarkan program 'affiliate' kepada pemilik laman web tersebut iaitu
mendapat promosi PERCUMA kepada 100,000 orang dari anda. Duduk diam dapat
100,000 orang pelawat!

4) Anda juga perlu tahu bahawa ada situasi dimana sekiranya pelawat yang mengetahui
tentang barang yang dijual melalui program affiliate anda dan kemudiannya membeli
barang tersebut, anda juga tidak berhak mendapat sebarang ganjaran!

Ini boleh berlaku sekiranya....

a) Pelawat tersebut melayari laman web anda di pejabat, kemudiannya membeli barangan
tersebut melalui internet menggunakan komputer dirumahnya.

b) Sekiranya laman web tersebut memberi pilihan untuk membayar melalui perbankan
internet atau memasukkan wang tunai melalui mesin deposit.

Jika pelawat tersebut memilih untuk memasukkan wang tunai melalui mesin deposit,
urusan tersebut tidak lagi menjadi milik anda. Bayangkan jika 100,000 orang yang
melakukan transaksi seperti itu setelah mendapat maklumat dari program affiliate anda,
apa yang anda akan dapat??? Ayat yang paling mudah untuk diucapkan ketika itu
adalah "dah bukan rezeki saya!"

Di harap melalui penerangan serba ringkas berkaitan tentang Program Affiliate ini telah memberi sedikit gambaran kepada anda terutama kepada mereka yang baru mengenali program affiliate ini.

Saya tidak menghalang anda untuk menyertai mana-mana program affiliate. Artikel ini sekadar berkongsi pengalaman dan memberi panduan kepada anda.


Monday, February 25, 2008


Ya Allah..ya tuhan kami!
Bukakanlah pintu hati-hati kami untuk bertaubat kepada mu Ya Allah!
Ampunkanlah dosa-dosa kami yang terdahulu Ya Allah!
Tunjukkan lah kami ke jalan yang diredhai Mu..Ya Allah!
Sesungguhnya kami tidak layak untuk syurga Mu..tapi kami tidak juga sanggup ke neraka Mu!


Walaupun So Lex tu dah agak berkarat, tapi masih boleh digunakan lagi!

Sunday, February 24, 2008


I received a few spam emails in my inbox and I was very shocked to see some of our malay girls in 'tudung' involved in sex activities.

I really do not understand why they get involved in such activities. The worst is they allowed their partners to film their sex activities using camera phone and webcam without feeling any guilty or sinful. And at the end their sex activities were exposed on the internet!

This is the reality of our malay teenage girl nowadays. You may not believe me but that is the reality what is happening outside there. For farthers and mothers who have young, teenage daughters, I hope that they can give more efforts to control their daughters movements. Do not give 100% trust on them even if they wear nice tudung and baju kurung when going out with friends.

Here is a link that you can navigate to see it for yourself if you do not believe with my words.....


You can see so many malay girls having sex were filmed and posted to that video hosting website.

Can we do something about these frightening scenarios???


Your dream????
A big bangalow!....a luxury car!....a grand holiday!

This is a normal phase that we always heard, see and read from uninvited flyers in our post box day by day. In front of me now, I have a flyer which I collected from my post box this morning.
And as usual, it is without any business identity!

As far as I am concern, I did also receive business card from personal loan company (i believe from some loansharks) in my post box too. What I am thinking now is, if the loansharks can dispose their business identity (so that people will know what are their business is all about), why that flyer from 'John @ Jane Doe' (in US, an unidentified person will be called to this name) can't do the same?

Just put something like their types of businesses or maybe a company name. Is that so hard to do? Come on guys, we are more clever now! Don't try to cheat us with this kind of flyers!

Are you ashame to dispose your business identity?
Are your business is being 'blacklisted' by citizen?
You know if you dispose your business name, people will throw your flyers away and not even call the handphone numbers stated there?

Wait, there is another thing interesting here. Can you believe that they said they have a new good business that we never think of the easiest way to make money?? If it's true, then all Malaysian should not do anything else rather than join their business. Why should we work so hard to build our own business while they can promise us the easy way and proven make money? What a joke statement!

"If you're a positive thinker, then you should meet me!"

What if those who received the flyers and don't ever call you for an appointment?
Do they think negatively? Is that what they meant?

The main point, I brought this up here at 'MARI FIKIR' is what ever we want to do something in business or even in our daily life, we should do it sincerely. Customers love sincere businessmen / busineswomen but not to those who try to fool them even before they listen to your business presentation!


Step 1 : Plan and build your website!

- If you do not have much knowledge about HTML, CSS, JAVA, PHP and other scripts, it is not the reason why you can not build your very own website.

I have a friend working as a businessman who run his own laundry shop. One day, he called and ask me to open his business website. I did open it and was surprised to see his nice, professional look website! Then, I ask him how much he paid for the webmaster to build it. He told me that he did it by himself and the best thing was he do not need to pay any single cent out of his pocket. So, I asked him again when did he learn all those 'crazy' scripts to build that website. He answered to me, I do not even have to learn all those scripts. Amazingly, he just downloaded a Free Website Builder from internet and start building it in just 1 day. All he need to do is just click, drag and drop as easy as we all use Microsoft Words and Excel.

Let us leave the story about my friend. I just want to share his experience with you that shows everybody can build their own websites.

Step 2 : Choose and register your website domain name!

- You are advised to use a paid domain name such as www.hosberbayar.com. If possible, try not to use a free domain name from a free hoster such as www.danial.hospercuma.com. The reason is simple, it does not look professional when you run a business with a free webhosting company.

Step 3 : Choose and register your webhost for your website!

- You can build a website using a free website builder but you still need a webhost company to publish your website on the internet. There are few great webhosting company that provide very great services and supports such as :-

1) VodaHost.com


Multi level marketing (MLM) is one of the most fun and rewarding businesses in the world and at the same time all multi level marketers will face with challenges. No matter how long they already in the business or how succesfull they have become, there is always posibbility that they will be rejected at some point. It can strike at any time to anybody in the MLM business.

Rejection is one of the most devastating, frustrating and destroying word to be heard by a multi level marketer that can make them fail even before they begin the MLM business. This is the major factor that can destroy their enthusiasm and excitement, which are the essential factors to success in this MLM business.

Who will probably reject your MLM business?

Your spouse, family and friends!

The most devastating rejection is often comes from people you love. The first time you saw the presentation about the multi level business, I am quite sure that you will think that when you sign up to join the business, your spouse, family and friends will help and support you to succeed. Unfortunately, that will not happen all the time in our life. There are some times that even your spouse will reject certain business you are involved in.

What you should do if this happens?

Do not take the rejection by them so personally. Please bear in mind that they reject your business but not you. They could be hundred of reasons why they will not support your MLM business. Accepting a 'No' answer is part of the process of finding those who say ' Yes'!

What they might say to reject your introduction to MLM business?

1) Not a suitable time, too busy with current full time job!
2) Give up, never success with the previuos MLM businesses they have joined!
3) Multi level marketers are a bunch of liars, they try to sell cheap products at much higher
price so that they can distribute profit among their members!
4) Do not trust the upline leaders, they just say and ask to do something for their own good.
5) It is just another pyramid scheme!

These are somehow the very common answers that you will be heard throughout your journey in the MLM business.